Friday, April 1, 2011

Curse or Blessing?

I don't think it's wrong to ask "Why?". I don't ask "Why me?". Sometimes it's painful and difficult, but I try to look for the positive or the good, or at least a life lesson, in the seemingly "bad" things that are always happening to me or those I love. Struggles, trials, pain, difficulties, rejection, betrayals, illnesses, tragedies, heartaches...all these have had a major role in making me the person I am today. Some of the things I've been taught or made stronger in include unconditional love, compassion, mercy, grace, kindness, patience, self-control, endurance, discernment, contentment, joy,!, as I write this I just realized...a lot of the "fruit of the Spirit"!

Much of my thinking on the subject of common human struggles has been written about in songs, and as music speaks to me and for me in so many ways, certain songs quickly come to mind, including this one that I would like to share:

( © Post by CJ ~ please do not copy)

(Video posted from