Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day ~ May 8, 2011

On this day devoted to mothers
I always feel so inadequate -
questioning myself 
and my "skills" at mothering.

I remember the times I was impatient,
the times I cried,
the times I raised my voice,
the times I didn't seem to have enough time.

Did I make you feel loved?
Did I tell you often enough that I love you?
Did I hug you and show you enough physical affection?
Did I give enough comfort and reassurance when it was needed?

Did I teach you enough "survival" skills?
Was I clear in my instructions on how to stay healthy,
how to treat yourself when sick or injured,
how to keep yourself, your environment, your clothes clean?

Did I listen enough
when you had questions 
or were confused
or didn't understand?

Was I successful in teaching you
that people and relationships
are much more important than material things,
and that love is the greatest force on earth?

Did I stress often enough 
that no one person is better or worse than another,
and it's okay to hate behaviors and actions
but not people?

Was I clear enough in telling you
the importance of being friendly towards everyone,
but that you need to choose wisely
those who will be your close friends and companions?

Did I teach you enough about the value and importance
of being honest and truthful,
kind and considerate,
and respectful and helpful to others?

Do you know that I love you unconditionally,
would do anything to help and protect you,
I would defend you against all
and even give my own life for you?

Do you fully understand what I've told you before - 
The things I want most for you is to be healthy and happy,
to be successful at whatever you choose to do,
and find someone who will love, honor, and cherish you?

But most of all, I pray that through my example,
and by taking you with me to Sunday School and church,
you know that there is only One who loves you more than I
and your life is complete when you follow Him.

I love you, my sons!  I am very proud of  you and I do thank God that He chose me to be your Mom!  

( © Post and photo by C.J. - please do not copy)